Our next launch is scheduled for Friday April 4th to Sunday April 6th. The range opens at 10:00 all three days. Note we will not have any certification attempts on Saturday April 5th. If you want to attempt an L1 or L2 cert, please make arrangements to fly your cert flight on Friday April 4th or Sunday April 6th.

Ken from Performance Hobbies will be at the launch on Friday and Saturday. If you need anything specific, please contact Ken at performancehobbies61@gmail.com.

Tripoli Central Virginia is a group of rocketeers that get together to launch, discuss, and observe rockets. Whether you’re interested in low-power rockets flying on “A” motors or high-power rockets on “M” motors, you’re welcome to join us for our next launch.

Please note the following:

  • Tripoli Central Virginia requires that all high power flights be flown off a launch rail. Launch rods are not available on the high power range.
  • All flights that will exceed 7000 feet above ground level and/or flights that will be powered by over 2560 Newton Seconds of total impulse (an ‘L’ motor) require the completion and submission of a Tripoli Central Virginia Flight Pre-Approval Form. This form is to be submitted to the Tripoli Central Virginia Board of Directors two weeks before the intended flight. This form can be found by clicking the ‘links and forms’ tab above.