December 2022

Thank you to all who came out for the last launch of 2022. We had a low ceiling on Saturday, but that didn’t stop nearly 70 flights from taking to the sky on everything from 1/4 A to L power. Sunday saw clearer skies with a good deal of sunshine and more favorable winds; perfect for flying. This weekend also saw several successful NASA SLI sub-scale flights. Good luck to all the teams as they move forward.

Aerotech HV Arcas on a CTI G100 Skid
4″ Loc Precision Goblin on an Aerotech H182 Redline
Loc Precision Hperloc 1600 on an EX L910
Custom 4″ rocket on an Aerotech K750 Super Thunder
Successful recovery!
Liftoff of a Loc Precision Minie Magg on a CTI H170 Blue Streak. Successful L1 cert!
Wildman Piercer 98 on an Aerotech J570 White Lightning
Wildman Drago on a 4 grain EX K. Beautiful burn and a successful recovery.
Custom “Mega Big Bertha” on Aerotech J350 White Lightning
under chute’
Loc Precision Hi-Tech on an Aerotech G61
Liftoff on an OLD Aerotech H210
Loc Precision Hi-Tech on an Aerotech H73. Successful L1 cert!
Blue Baboon on an EX J496!