March 2023

The forecast sure wasn’t promising, moderate to high wind with cloud cover in the morning discouraged many. Despite the winds some brave flyers made it out and logged over 40 flights from A to K power and half a dozen successful static tests. We also saw several TARC test and qualification flights.

TARC rocket Amazing Grace lifts off on an Aerotech F67
Low power lift off from pad 8 on an Aerotech E18.
Aerotech HV Arcas taking to the sky on a CTI G100 SKID!
WildMan Journey 75 lifting off on an Aerotech J275 Redline on its way to 4,000′ and a successful Cert 2. Despite the wind this rocket landed less than 10 feet from where it took off!!!
An Estes STM-012 on an Aerotech E20. Note the WildMan Journey 75 laying right behind that pad. It really landed 10 feet from where it took off.
Static test of a 98mm N2000
Static test of a 76mm J. In total 4 grains from this batch were tested with different nozzles.
Loc Precision Caliber ISP lifting off on an Aerotech H220 Blue Thunder.
Loc Precision HI-TECH powered by an Aerotech G67 Red. This rocket was turned around a flown on an Aerotech H73 for a successful TRA Cert 1!
Gotta love a good drag race! This one pitted an Aerotech Arreauxbee-HI against an Aerotech HV Arcas, both powered with G76 motors.